Finance – not the most important, but significant issue when planning a vacation. With regard to funds, their quantity and availability, everything should be planned in advance. Because if you forget your blouse or toothpaste, you can buy them right at the airport. But a plastic card with all the savings is not yet offered in the windows of duty free.
Thanks to the developed international banking systems, today there is no need to sew gold coins into your belt and start exchanging currencies for a trip six months before the appointed date. Everything is solved simply and right now with the help of a plastic card. But even here punctures and annoying troubles are possible. How to avoid them:
1. Bring two more additional cards to the main one and carry them in different pockets and purses. One can generally be left at the hotel in the luggage room. If suddenly the main card is lost or blocked, you can electronically transfer funds from it to another card and use them safely.
2. Before you travel, take a photo and save both sides of all your credit cards. This will come in handy if the cards are stolen or lost, including along with documents. You can always quickly restore them using screenshots.
3. Set a limit on the card, including online purchases. As practice shows, most of the purchases while traveling are impulsive. There is a stereotype that you need to spend a lot on vacation. This is what we do, recklessly buying up what we really don’t need at all and at home will most likely be thrown into the pantry. If you yourself are not able to reason sensibly and are capable of losing your head on a sale in your favorite boutique or at a flea market, set limits on cash withdrawals per day, week, month. It is especially important to do this if you are going to relax in Las Vegas or Monte Carlo.
4. Do not change money at the airport. It’s better not to change them at all, but pay with a card, so you will lose less on the difference in rates. Yes, and hiding a card away from the hands of street thieves is easier than a pack of banknotes. If you really need to change, if only because you collect banknotes of all countries and peoples of the world, then do it at a bank at a hotel or at a street exchange office, and not at exchange offices at international airports, ports and train stations. The exchange rate difference can reach 50% - just imagine how much you lose on a rash exchange, and how banks profit from ignorant tourists!
5. To save on plane tickets, shop on Tuesdays after 15.00 – taking into account the time of the airline whose flight you choose. It is on this day and hour that companies make discounts.
Stick to follow these simple life hacks for frugal and forward-thinking travelers – then nothing will overshadow the joyful impressions of your bright and long-awaited vacation.